Due to increasing demand by parents, Kids Club School provides its students hostel facility from the session 2003-04. The hostel has the initial capacity of lodging 50 students ona sharing basis of 3 students per room, with attached toilet and bathing area. Keeping in mind all the basic requirements of the students, the hostel has a well-equipped dining hall with fully hygienic kitchen, recreation room, study and library. Round-the- clock medical facilities are available to take care of all emergencies with separate living area for boys and girls with their respective wardens. The hostel is planned in such a way it proves to be a home away from home where they have security, privacy and the environment to enhance academic excellence under the personal supervision of in-house teachers. The hostelers will live in a splendid environment in close proximity with nature. Swimming pool facilities and all other sporting facilities are provided through leased & out sourcing stadium which is so vital for their all round personality development.